Wednesday, May 11, 2011

10 tips for overcoming Stress

1. Recognize the source of your stress. Make a list of the problems and circumstances that is the cause of the stress. Are you stressed about your children’s activities, responsibilities at home or your work, a job loss, your marriage, financial problems and a specific person? Whatever it is, write it down to clear your mind.

2.  Make time for yourself everyday. You can create a quiet place where you can go away for fifteen minutes to half an hour every day. This is a place where you can be alone, where you can get away from the pressures of the day, and away from the noise so you can think clearly and just relax.

3.  Take a day off just to relax. - You can use this day to go to the lake, beach or just a drive through the country. You can just do something that you enjoy like reading, shopping or a specific hobby.

4.  Control your time so it doesn’t control you. A day with too much to do can make you feel stressed and anxious. Prioritize your time and create a list of all of the things you have to do for that day. Then, determine what needs to done first, what seems minor and what does not require your time immediately. Concentrate on one task at a time. If there are work or tasks that are not completed, do not be stressed about it.

5.  If you are highly involved in many activities, consider eliminating some of those activities or saying no to new commitments to reduce the stress in your life. You need to evaluate what specific activities and commitments that are the result of your stress. Whether it is taking your children to a sports team, any club you are involved, community events or whatever it is, learn to do less and reduce stress.

6.   Laughter really is the best medicine. It releases feel good chemicals in your brain and enhances blood flow. Laughter can relieve stress. Learn to laugh more and watch comedies and shows that will make you laugh more.

7.  Get a regular exercise weekly- Physical activity can lower your stress level and keep stress under control. You can run, jog, walk, dance, do aerobics and get involved in a sports team.

8.  Plan to help others a few times a week. Your own worries will look smaller when you get involved with helping others.

9.  Get plenty of rest and sleep at night. Keep a regular time to go to bed every night.

10. Take a hot bath and listen to soothing music

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